Friday, June 26, 2009

Response to Nicole F. week 6-

Feminist itself is a label and it has taken on some negative images over the past century. In your first sentence I have to disagree with you because I think a strong woman who knows who she is describes confidence not necessarily a feminist mentality. And I think feminism is about women wanting to be treated and viewed equal to men, both legally and in society. While feminism can be an attitude that one applies to their personal views and how they act/live their lives, I think true feminist fight for a cause and make tangible efforts to create change. They involve every part of their life to fighting for women everywhere. I do agree that we all need to work together and change the unbalanced equality I also would like to hear your ideas on how you think people can change issues of equality in our society? Good job with the statistics; they are very powerful and really got me to think.

Response to Tiffany G week 6-

I am hoping that your boss just has an attitude problem and not that all women act this way in positions of power. She may have let some of her new success go to her head, or maybe she doesn’t know how to act because of how women in our society are viewed overall. It can be a tough position and if she wasn’t used to the power she may have gone to the extreme and is trying to hard to secure her top dog position. My female boss is very much the same as yours but I know that my boss is putting on a “tough I have no weaknesses” act. She feels that if any weakness shows it will undermine her authority, just recently she had a stroke and did not tell anyone about it. Her personal assistant only knew because she had to take care of some hospital business for my boss, who told all of us that her father was ill and she was taking care of him for two months. She would show up occasionally for half days but was absent for a while recovering. It’s so sad too; I want to give her a big hug! But I’m sure that’s the last thing she wants. And at first I thought it was strange that she didn’t tell us but now I totally think otherwise. Every time she makes a silly mistake now (which she did in the past just as much) I find myself saying, oh it must be from what happened, and none of us can help thinking she’s making more mistakes even if she isn’t. So maybe your boss is trying to establish her authority, although from what you said she is going about it all wrong. She seems very disrespectful and maybe she was like that before she was promoted but it wasn’t as apparent. As for men not wanting women in the work place I have heard all kinds of reasons- women are too emotional to make important decisions, women can’t separate professional from personal etc. But these are men who were raised in a society that puts women in those categories and it’s hard to fight a lifetime of learned behavior.

Response to Taran G week # 6-

I have never seen that show but I can only imagine how ridiculous it is. I’m sure the woman’s daughter is not allowed to date yet, or if she is I’m sure she has stricter rules than her brother, based on what you wrote about the mother’s behavior. I think that when a father is mean to his daughters boyfriend it is to protect her as well as to establish dominance. Dad is number one in her life and he wants boys to know that. But it is interesting that your questions apply to mothers hating girls and fathers hating boys. I guess it’s rare to find a mother who hates her daughter’s boyfriend without having good reason behind it. Maybe it is an issue of jealousy, moms don’t want to be replaced or feel like they are loosing their baby to another woman. And the same with fathers who many times view their daughters as delicate flowers, who need to be treated with extra special care.
I’m upset to hear the comment about hoping her daughter is ready to be a housewife, not because that is a bad thing to be but because she is giving her no options. It seems very old school to automatically place her daughter in the kitchen with a mop; I wonder what she tells her son his role will have to be. And as I understand it the women on this show are very well off and this mother has the means to offer her daughter endless opportunities, so many struggling mothers would love to be in this position- I hope she doesn’t take that away from her. And I feel bad for the last woman you mentioned, her husband is selfish and feels it is not his job to take care of his own children, how sad for them and his wife.

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